giovedì 1 novembre 2012

The Secret Circle - The Divide / I Diari delle Streghe - The Divide

The Secret Circle - The Divide by Aubrey Clark (ghostwritter)

Keep your enemies close. . . .
For the first time since moving to New Salem, Cassie Blake feels normal. She's dating her soul mate Adam and making new friends in town. But between the secret coven of witches she belongs to and the extraordinary power she holds within her, Cassie is leading a far from ordinary life. When tragedy strikes the Circle, Cassie realizes being extraordinary can be a curse.
The Circle is being hunted by an unknown enemy—and anyone could be the next victim. As they struggle to protect themselves, alliances are formed and relationships are tested. No one knows who to trust or who to fear. Will Cassie be able to save the Circle . . . and herself? Or will her choices break it apart forever?

Price: $11.98
e-Book Price : $ 7.99
Pages: 304

This book is the sequel to of L.J Smith's The Secret Circle series, but the series was taken from her by Harper teen (along with The Vampire Diaries series). Then Harper Teen got a ghost writter to write the series. This is obvious because the characters are completely different from the originally series, and unfortunatly very much like the TV series. When reading this book you feel as though the "author" is trying to stay true to the original story, putting some elements of the previous books, but not succeding in this. It's a different story that is somewhat a reminder of The Secret Circle. Also the original books were written during the 90s( so there weren't cell phones or stuff like that) instead in this book there are all of these stuff. Aubrey Clark's New Salem is very different from L.J.'s New Salem and again the decription is similar to the town in the TV series. Cassie and Adam are soulmates but they make out in this book, which makes the story really monotnous. It feels very Twilightish!! *****SPOILER****Then also the fact that Cassie finds out that she has this sister who supposedly is also a witch and her mom was part of the previous circle is ridiculous because it was said in the previous books that the circle was composed by the parents of the present day circle!!****END OF SPOILER******
So to wrap it up, I absolutely didn't like this book!! It was to much like the tv series and I advise you to not buy it!!! It was totally awful, boring and non original. Many fans of the true series didn't buy it because it wasn't written by L.J. Smith.
xoxo from Mary Lynnette
Vote :*/ 5 stars

Allora questo libro e' il continuo della saga dei Diari delle Streghe di L.J. Smith. Purtroppo questa serie le e' stata rubata dalla casa editrice, la quale successivamente ha assunto un altro autore per completare la saga. Si vede molto che non e' stato scritto dalla Smith perche' i personaggi, i rituali, bhe diciamo tutto e' completamente diverso( sembra quasi di leggere un altro libro che ha niente a che fare con la saga di cui dovrebbe essere il continuo!!). Come ho detto prima, i personaggi non sono piu' gli stessi e sono molto simili a quelli della serie tv. L'ambientazione e' diversa e la New Salem che decrive e' praticamente identica a quella della serie tv. Devo dire che questo libro sembra la versione scritta della serie tv. Adesso Cassie e Adam stanno insieme [ :( ] ma si comportano troppo come Bella ed Edward, tanto che ogni capitolo inizia con loro che si baciano!!!
La storia pure e' molto patetica e sempre simile alla serie tv. La serie originaria fu scritta durante gli anni 90, di conseguenza non esistevano cellulari e cose del genere, mentre in questo libro ci stanno tutte li ultimissime tecnologie e tu ti chiedi come i ragazzi che vivono nel 92 avessero un cellulare!!!!
Il mio giudizio e' molto negativo e consiglio a nessuno di leggerlo. L?ho trovato molto noioso.Molti fan neanche lo hanno comprato perche' non e' stato scritto da L.J. Smith.
Baci da Mary Lynnette
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